Create Your Own 4 x 8 Rubber Scraper Logo Mat

$534.71 USD

High Traffic, Indoor and Outdoor Applications

  • For indoor/outdoor use in covered areas. Not UV resistant.
  • Digitally printed thermo-plastic vinyl material

Mat Specifications

  • Overall Mat thickness: 5/16"
  • Mat Surface: Nitrile Rubber - 138 mil
  • Mat Border: Nitrile Rubber
  • Mat Backing: Nitrile Rubber Smooth Backing

Design Specifications

Rubber Scraper are all-rubber mats that features a digital imprint. A digital imprint allows for much more detail; and bright, vivid colors can be easily achieved. 

 Mat Size Maximum Print Area
2.5' x 3' (29" x 34") 20" x 25"
3' x 4' (34" x 45.5") 25" x 36"
3' x 5' (34" x 54.5") 25" x 48"
3' x 10' (34" x 111") 25" x 96"
4' x 6' (45" x 67.5") 36" x 50"
4' x 8' (45" x 95") 36" x 70"
6' x 6' (68" x 68") 43" x 50
6' x 8' (71.5" x 96") 43" x80"


The text requirements are for general use; however, special fonts and very thin letter forms may need to be made larger or thicker and will be approached on a case-by-case basis.

The background color of the imprint area should not be set to White. It is difficult to keep the logo clean through the manufacturing process. 

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